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how to install flexispy without the target device

How to Install FlexiSpy Without the Target Device?

It’s easy to install flexispy without the target device. Just download, extract and place flexispy.exe on your computer, open it, and run it as administrator. Then make sure you have PowerHive’s PwnAll Version 3 with FlexiSPY engine installed on your desktop PC; that should be enough for continuing to install the process without providing any credentials or private key into CMD.

In this article, I will guide you on how to install flexispy without the target device. The reason why you need to install flexispy without the target device is because it will allow you to monitor the app behavior of your target device. If you want to see what’s happening in the background and see if a specific app is being used, then flexispy can help.

How to install flexispy without the target

  • Download the Flexispy installer from the link below, extract it and open it with your file manager.
  • In the folder that you extracted, you will find a file named “flexispy-setup.exe” and double click on it to start installing Flexispy on your computer.
  • Follow the instructions by clicking Next, Next and then Finish in order to complete the installation process of FlexiSpy on your PC.
  • Once completed, go to C:\Program Files\FlexiSpy\bin\flexispy, double click on flexispy1 and start using FlexiSpy.

Does FlexiSPY monitoring require rooting? 

FlexiSPY monitoring does not require rooting your device. You can install the software on non-rooted devices, and it will function just fine. In fact, if there’s any advantage to using a non-rooted device when running FlexiSPY monitoring, it would be that you wouldn’t have to worry about getting root permissions from your target phone or tablet upon installation of the app (which is required for some advanced features).

How do I install target FlexiSPY on Android? 

To install the FlexiSPY app on Android, you will need to:

  • Download the app from Google Play Store
  • Open it and press Install
  • Press Install again to finish installing (this is a one-time action) you’re all done! Now open up your target device and start spying on them immediately by following these steps below:

How do I install FlexiSPY software? 

As you can see, there are a number of ways to download the FlexiSPY app. To install it on your phone, you’ll need to go through each of these steps and follow the instructions for each platform accordingly.

  • Download the app from Google Play Store:
  • Go to play store and search for “FlexiSPY” in your phone’s browser bar or search box (if it isn’t already there).
  • Download “FlexiSPY” onto your device by tapping any button at the bottom right corner of this page—it will prompt you with an install window asking if you want to proceed with installation; tap “Install” if prompted

Read Also: Is FlexiSpy Legit?

Can you hide FlexiSPY?

You can hide FlexiSPY from the target device, but it’s not easy to do.

  • First, you’ll need to know what version of Windows 10 your target is running. If you don’t know this information, there’s no way for us to help you install FlexiSPY on their PC without having access to the original install disk or other bootable media such as an ISO file (which may be found here). Luckily, we’ve got a few options:
  • If they’re using Home edition and have access through their local network settings then they’ll be able to hide their computer from their home network by creating a new user account with minimal access rights only needed for installing programs like Windows updates; once again though this isn’t necessarily going over well with most parents nowadays so consider asking permission first!

How do you use the Target circle without the app? 

You can use the Target Circle to see what your target is doing, saying and thinking.

  • To see what they’re doing: Launch Flexispy on your phone or computer, then go to the “Target” tab in the top right corner of any page on our site. This will only work if you have already installed the app on your device! If not yet purchased and downloaded. 
  • To see what they’re typing into chat windows: Tap into one of these buttons when viewing someone’s activity log (e.g., “Show me all my messages”). This will open up another window with another view where you can see exactly how much time has passed since each message was sent by whoever typed it out first so far (or later).

Can you see FlexiSPY on your phone? 

Can you see FlexiSPY on your phone?

If you have downloaded the app, and it is in its icon position, then yes. You can see the icon of FlexiSPY on your phone. If not, then go to Settings -> Security & Privacy -> Application Manager (or App Info) and look for “Flexispy” there.

Is FlexiSPY better than mSpy? 

FlexiSPY is a great app for monitoring your child. It’s also great if you’re looking to monitor your spouse, or employees who are acting outside of their job description.

FlexiSPY allows the user to record from their target device and view the conversations on another computer, tablet or smartphone.

Read Also: Is FlexiSpy Detectable?

Your device may look like this when you’re done

FlexiSPY is a monitoring tool that works on your device. It can also be used to spy on someone else’s device, track their location, hack into their phone and see all of the information stored on it.

FlexiSPY is a mobile phone spying tool that allows you to monitor calls, text messages and other data sent between two devices through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connections. This includes:

  • Calls made between two phones (including video calling)
  • Text messages sent between two phones (including images)
  • Emails sent from one email account to another email account


Here we have discussed How to Install Flexispy without the Target Device. So if you’re a student, perhaps your target device is a mobile phone. Or you might be teaching a course and have limited resources in your classroom. Whatever the case may be, it’s possible that flexispy may be helping you however it can. 

In this case, consider adding the flexispy docker image to one of your containers on a machine that’s not being used as the target device. With this setup, you won’t have to worry about getting access to sensitive data anymore.

Even if you are interested in the benefits of this app, or live under a rock, here’s a piece of software (and site) to help you download it from. Save yourself some trouble, and be safe at the same time!