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spy phone app apk

If you want to monitor a smart phone, you can use Spy Phone App Apk. It is an application that can be installed on any device to see the activity of other users easily. In this post, we will take a look at how the app will help us to monitor the activities and the usefulness of the spy gadget and also provide a complete analysis of the application- Spy Phone App Apk.

If you are thinking about buying a spying app for your kids or employees, then fear of potential criminal charges may stop you in your tracks. Was there a specific app that you want to use which doesn’t work well. Do you have the argument of who owns the phone and how do they use it on your hands?

What is Spy Phone App Apk

Spy Phone Apk is a monitoring app that lets you track your Android device using GPS location, call logs, messages and more. The application can also be used to record incoming and outgoing calls. The best thing about this app is that it isn’t detectable by the target device as it doesn’t require root access to work. The free version of the app offers limited features but you can unlock all of them by purchasing the premium version.

After installing Spy Phone Apk on your target phone, you will need to log into their account at You will then be asked to enter some information about your target phone such as its IMEI number, model number or serial number. Once you have entered all details correctly, they will send you an activation email containing a link which you must click on in order to activate the service on your account page. After activating the service, you will be able to view all call logs on your dashboard within minutes of making them by tapping on.

  • Monitor text messages
  • Monitor call history
  • Monitor social media activities such as Facebook chats and messages, WhatsApp chats and messages, Skype chats and messages, Viber chats and messages etc.
  • Monitor GPS location of the target mobile device on Google Maps
  • Ability to block unwanted calls (recording)

Basic Features of Spy Phone App Apk

The spy phone app apk has many features that make it the best. The following are some of the basic features that you can get from this app:

  1. Call Recording

You can record all incoming and outgoing calls with this app. This feature is useful for monitoring your child’s activities and making sure that they are not being deceived by strangers or friends. You can also use this feature to monitor your employees’ performance in their jobs by recording their calls with customers.

  1. Call Monitoring

This is another type of monitoring that you can do on a person’s phone using this app. You can monitor all incoming and outgoing calls made by that person on their mobile number. You will also be able to see all text messages sent or received by them on their phone number. This helps you keep track of all activities done on the target phone.

  1. Messaging Monitoring

With this feature, you will be able to read all text messages sent or received by the target phone number user as well as view all images sent or received by them on their mobile number. This helps you track any inappropriate communication made between your children or employees and strangers through their phones so that they don’t engage in illegal activities like drug.

  1. Location Tracking

You can easily track the location of your phone using this app. It will show you the exact location of your phone on Google Maps. You can also see the speed at which your phone is moving, and how much time it took to reach from one point to another.

  1. Call Logs

This feature helps you to check all the incoming and outgoing calls made by your children or employees on their phones. You can also know about the duration for each call made, and who they talked to for long hours on their cell phones.

  1. SMS Logs

This feature allows you to save an unlimited number of text messages from any mobile number in their database, even if they have deleted them from their inboxes or sent them to someone else’s device as well as email accounts like Gmail, Yahoo! Mail etcetera. You can also save images received by them through MMS or SMS messages along with attachments like PDF files, documents etcetera attached to them very easily using this feature of Spy Phone App Apk on your smartphone without letting them know about it in any way whatsoever!

How to Download and Install Spy Phone App Apk

First of all, you need to download Spy Phone App Apk file from our website or any other trusted source. After downloading the apk file, launch it on your Android device by clicking on it from notification bar or file manager app in your phone. If you are unable to open this file from notification bar then follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Visit the Spy Phone Apk website and click on Download button for Android version or iOS Version depending on your device type.
  • Step 2: The file will begin downloading automatically and when it completes, open it from the notification bar or directly from the browser.
  • Step 3: Select Install and then open when prompted with “Unknown Sources” alert (if you see this).

How does Spy Phone App Apk Work?

Spy Phone App Apk works by running in the background of any phone. It will record all activities done by the user and store them in a secure server along with their location details, call logs and text messages etc. All information is stored online where you can easily access them using a web browser or mobile app.


The world is a dangerous place—especially for children and adolescents. That’s why it’s more important than ever to equip yourself with the tools you need to defend your child, the most recent being Spy Phone App Apk. But if you’re unsure about its features or if Spy Phone App Apk can really do all that it claims, read this to find out everything you need to know about one of the best ways to protect your child from danger.

These spy apps are the latest wave in technological development. They offer exciting new ways for people to stay involved with one another without being part of their interactive experience. 

While this may be somewhat alarming for some, the truth is that many uses for these spying apps are aboveboard, and really do come from a place of genuine affection. We need to embrace this wave of technology and make sure that it is used appropriately. This will not only help keep everyone safe, but it will help keep everyone honest as well.